Taiz preparing for a sustainable development-based strategy

The Al-Saeed Foundation for Science and Culture has organized, in partnership with the Social Fund for Development and the University of Taiz, a conference in Taiz city on sustainable development.
A number of scientific workshops and 75 academic and technical searches were reviewed on ways of sustainable development and solving the developmental challenges in the governorate.
The governor of Taiz, Shawki Ahmed Hayel Saeed, promised during the launching ceremony to instruct all competent agencies to help the conference achieve best outcomes in order to be the seed of the sustainable development and to bring about a radical change in the developmental aspects in Taiz.
The SFD Branch Manager in Taiz, Eng. Marwan Al-Maqtari, clarified that the sustainable development requires a degree of sustainable visions for the future and a degree of harmony and interdependence between all players of development. "Today, we are establishing a new culture of work and the development of science and knowledge to build generations and communities in all aspects," Al-Maqtary said. He expressed the SFD continuation to the development of Taiz and providing the development players with the its accumulated knowledge and experience.
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